
Showing posts from June, 2020

Machine de séchage de noix de cajou / Chambre chaude / Borma / Four / Sèche-noix de cajou

Nos séchoirs sont conçus pour produire des grains hautement blancs, prêts à être décortiqués dans des machines de décorticage automatiques ou par décorticage manuel.  Le système complet est un équipement automatique à température et temps contrôlés. Différentes capacités avec différents degrés d'automatisation sont disponibles. Des chambres chaudes spécialement conçues ne nécessitant ni électricité ni vapeur sont également disponibles dans le cadre des solutions de séchage de la noix de cajou.

Machines automatiques de transformation de la noix de cajou - Muskaan Group

Muskaan a travaillé avec une gamme de clients avec différentes capacités d'usine de transformation de noix de cajou - y compris des projets des Nations Unies - pour développer une industrie compétitive de la noix de cajou dans les pays africains producteurs de noix de cajou comme le Bénin, la Tanzanie, le Ghana, le Sénégal, la Côte d'Ivoire. Les projets, achevés à ce jour, sont 75+, et notre activité consiste à organiser les agriculteurs en groupes d'entreprises, à les aider à produire des noix de cajou de meilleure qualité et à les relier aux marchés internationaux. Muskaan fait un grand pas pour aider les entrepreneurs à établir une usine de transformation de noix de cajou commercialement viable et à fournir une installation et à former les agriculteurs à transformer plus de noix de cajou brutes et à obtenir de meilleures noix de cajou. En conséquence, près de 75+ ouvriers d'usine et agriculteurs gagnent désormais des revenus plus élevés, cela signifie

Pre Fabricated Structures and Warehouses for Cashew Processing – Muskaan Group

Muskaan has over 10 years of experience in design and manufacturing of pre-engineered steel buildings and structures, offering customers a wide range of customized, cost-effective pre-engineered steel solutions. We offer a wide range of steel solutions tailored to our customers’ specific needs including pre-engineering steel buildings, storage solutions / industrial racking systems, and broad array of structural steel products that cover applications in major market segments including Cashew Processing, Warehousing, Veg Oil Extraction, heavy industry, infrastructure, factories and leisure structures. The structural members are custom designed to be lighter in weight as well as high in strength. Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings can be fitted with different structural additions like trusses, mezzanine floors, fascias, canopies and crane systems as per user requirements. Pre-engineered buildings are ideal for use in non-residential, wide span low rise buildings. Amon

Automatic cashew processing Machines - Muskaan Group

Muskaan worked with a range of customers with different capacity of Cashew Processing Plant – including United Nations Projects – to develop a competitive cashew industry in African Cashew Growing countries as Benin, Tanzania, Ghana, Senegal, Ivory Coast. The projects, completed yet is 75+, and our activity is to be engaged in organizing farmers into business groups, helping them to produce higher-quality cashew kernels and linking them to international markets. Muskaan make a big step in to help entrepreneurs establish commercially viable cashew processing plant and provide Installation and train farmers to process more raw cashew and get better cashew kernels. As a result, nearly 75+ factory workers and farmers are now earning higher incomes, it means that someone such as factory workers are now earning enough to pay his children’s school fees. These cashew processing factories creating job for hundreds of local residents, which is bringing cash into rural communities and

Cashew Nut Drying Machine / Hot chamber / Borma/ Oven / Cashew Dryer

Our Dryers are designed for producing highly white kernel, ready to be peeled in automatic peeling machines or through manual peeling. Complete system is automatic temperature and time controlled equipment. Different capacities with varying degree of automation are available. Specially designed hot chambers requiring no electricity no steam are also available as a part of cashew drying solutions.

Cashew Processing plant and Machinery - Muskaan Group

Muskaan manufactures wholes grading and piece grading machines for separate the different grades of Cashew kernels.  Wholes grading machine separates 3 or 5 different grades of wholes and piece grading machine separates four different grades of broken nuts. Small broken pieces are further separated by means of a standard sieves mechanically; these sieves are as per the standard guidelines from Cashew Export Promotion council of India, which is an accepted norm in international kernel trade. We provide fully integrated grading solution with color sorters, thereby a completely automatic cashew grading system.